Sunday, March 29, 2009

Chankya Learning Chapter 1 & 2

I haven`t blogged since long time. I do not wish to go in details. For time being I have translated first two chapters of Chankya. I found it great so I am posting here.. Rest soon...

सम्पूर्ण चाणक्य नीति
अध्याय १
प्रणम्य शिरसा विष्णू ञैलोक्याधिपतिं शुभम् |
नानाशास्ञोद्धृतं वक्ष्ये राजनीति समुच्चयम ||१||

Master of three worlds, almighty and omnipresent GOD, I offer prostration to you. I am beginning to write this corpus incorporating the Shastra.
अधीत्येदं यथाशास्त्रं नरो जानाति सत़मः |
धर्मोपदेशविख्यातं कार्याकार्य शुभऽशुभम् ||२||

Divine People can learn about their duties, virtue-sin, persuasion, etc which are inscribed in the Vedas.
तदह् सम्प्रवक्ष्यामि लोकानां हितकाम्यता |
येन विज्ञानमात्रेण सर्वज्ञत्वं प्रपद्यते||३||

I am writing secrets of politics for the mere benefit of people all over the world. After learning, you can become saint who knows everything about past, present and future.
मुर्खशिष्योपदेशेन दुष्टस्त्रीभरणेन च |
दुःखितैः सम्प्रयोगेण पण्डितोऽप्यवसीदति ||४||

Never be in the company of foolish person, spoiled women, ailing people, and who are always sad. This will make you unhappy and you will suffer. Even the sane person will be sad if he lives in the company of sad peoples.
दुष्टा भार्या शठं मित्रं भृत्यश्चोत्तरदायकः |
ससर्पे च गृहे वासो मृत्युरेव न संशयः ||५||

Chankya is of the view that people must be very conscious in building up the relationship with wife, friends, and servants. People must keep balance in these relationships. If any of these relationships looses balance then they have to be sorted out immediately. Otherwise it is similar to be having a snake in the home.

आपदर्ये धनं रक्षेद् दारान रक्षेद्धनैरपि |
आत्मानं सततं रक्षेद दारैरपि धनैरपि ||६||

According to acharya Chankya, money is valuable. Having money definitely bring happiness. But money is not everything, the women of the home holds much more importance. Her prestige and respects should be protected at any cost. Importance of the person himself must be the top priority. If times comes he should be able to leave everything and protect himself.
आपदर्थे धनं रंक्षेच्छुीमतां कुत आपदः |
कदाचिच्चलता लक्ष्मीः सञ्चितोऽपि विनश्यति ||७||

People should not adopt the irresponsible behavior, after saving the money for bad time. Money alone can`t drag you out of bad time. Money does not remain forever. Intelligence is the most important aspect of human behavior and drags you out of the bad time.
यस्मिन् देशे न सम्मानो न वृत्तिर्न च बान्धवाः |
न च वियाऽऽगमः तं देशं परिवर्जयेत् ||८||

People should make their abode where they get respect, job, have their family members, friends and prospects to learn.
धनिकः श्रोत्रियो राजा नदी वैद्यस्तु पञ्चमः |
पञ्च यन्त्र न विद्ययन्ते न तत्र दिवसं वसेत ||९||

Nations must have following five things: 1. Business prospects and good business men. 2. Brahmins (learned scholars) having knowledge of Vedas. 3. Good governance. 4. River etc for water and irrigation purpose. 5. Good doctors. People should never live at the place where we don`t have above mentioned qualities.
लोकयात्रा भयं लज्जा दाक्षिण्यं त्यागशीलता |
पञ्च यत्र न विद्यन्ते न कुर्यात तत्र संस्थितम् ||१०||

1. Where there aren`t any opportunities of jobs and business. 2. People aren`t afraid of law and order. 3. People don`t have any shame and honour. 4. People aren`t intelligent enough. 5. People don`t believe in giving. Nation devoid of, mentioned five qualities, isn`t worth living.
जानीयात् प्रेषेण भृत्यान् बान्धवान् व्यसनाऽऽगमे |
मित्रं चाऽऽपत्तिकालेषु भार्यां विभवक्षये ||११||

Chankya had explained how can people be trusted and how to know which people are really on your side. Servants can be tested on occasion when there is work or they are entrusted some work upon. Relatives are tested when you are sad and unhappy. Friends are tested in the event of some mishap. Women are tested when you lose the money. So trust only those people whom you have really tested.
आतुरे व्यसने प्राप्ते दुर्भिक्षे शत्रु संकटे |
राजद्वारे श्मशाने च यस्तिष्ठतिं श बान्धवः ||१२||

According to Chankya when you catch some incurable disease, or in the event of sadness, when there are some natural calamities, when you are afraid of some enemy, when someone close to you dies. Then the person who really took your side in any of these mishaps is in real sense your brother.
यो ध्रुवाणि परित्यज्य अध्रुवं परिषेवते |
ध्रुवाणि तस्य नश्यन्ति अध्रुवं नष्टमेव च ||१३|

If a person tries to get what he does not have without taking proper care of things which he already has then he not only loses what he already had but also is not able to get what he tries to get. So an intelligent person first try to secure what he already have and take full advantage of it. Then he tries to get something extra.
वरयेत कुलजां प्राज्ञो विरूमापि कन्यकाम् |
रूपवती न नीचस्य विवाहः सदृशे कुले ||१४||

Sane person should marry a girl having a good family background and he should not bother too much about the beauty. Similarly girl not having good family background despite of the fact that she might be beautiful, sane person should not marry that girl. Reason being marriage are successful only if they are done between families of equal status and not mere beauty because beauty vanishes.
नखीनां च नदीनां च श्रृडींग्णां शस्त्रपणिनाम् |
विश्वासो नैव कर्त्तव्यः स्त्रीषु राजकुलेषु च ||१५||

Chankya had suggested us to be beware of animals having long nails, river, big thorn animals, person carrying arms, ladies, and politicians. Don`t ever trust them blindly.
विषादप्यमृतं ग्राह्मममेध्यादपि काञ्चनम् |
नीचादप्युत्तमा विद्या स्त्रीरत्नं दुष्कुलादपि ||१६||

If we get some holy water even from poison we should drink it. Getting valuable substances even from down trodden place we should take it. If we get saintly advice even from low class people we should follow them and ladies having good nature even though she might come from low background should be adapted.

स्त्रीणां द्विगुण आहारो बुद्धिस्तासां चतुर्गुणा |
साहसं षडूगुणं चैव कामोऽष्टगुण उच्यते ||१७||

Whatever Chankya had learned from womanhood, he came to conclusion that women generally have twice the appetite compared to men. Women have shame almost four times than men, that`s why most of the time they can`t say what is on their mind. Even though they are shameful, but they are six times brave than men. And have sexual feeling almost four times than men.

अध्याय २

अतृतं साहसं माया मूर्खत्वमतिलुब्धता |
अशौचत्वं निर्दयत्वं स्त्रीणां दोषाः स्वभावजाः ||१||

Women generally by nature are liar and untrustworthy. Although they are brave enough, but they can never be trusted upon. They are dumb headed, greedy and devoid of pity.

भोज्यं भोजनशक्तिश्च रतिशक्तिर्वराडग्ना |
विभवो दानशक्तिश्च नाऽल्पस्य तपसः फलम् ||२||

If you are eating good food and having an appetite, if you have beautiful lady and power to enjoy sexual life, if you have ample of money and enough money to donate to needy people then you must have done some really great deeds in your last birth. People enjoying these things should have done something really great to actually enjoy it.

यस्य पुत्रो वशीभूतो भार्या छन्दाऽनुगामिनी |
विभवे यश्च सन्तुष्टस्तस्य स्वर्ग इहैव हि ||३||

If your son is submissive, your lady follows you, you are satisfied with your earning and do not greed for more money then be assured you are enjoying heaven right down here on earth.
ते पुत्रा ये पितुर्भक्ताः स पिता यस्तु पोषकः |
तन्मित्रं यस्य विश्वासः सा भार्या यत्र निर्वृतिः ||४||

Who worship his parents is the real son, who take good care of their children is the real father, friend is who we can trust upon and lady gives you real happiness.
परोक्षे कार्यहन्तारं प्रत्यक्षे प्रियवादिनम् |
वर्जयेत्तादृशं मित्रं विषकुम्भं पयोमुखम् ||५||

Friend who flatter in front of you, but at your back always try to do things which can harm you should be left as early as possible. They are like pot full with milk having poison inside.
न विश्वसेत् कुमित्रे च मित्रे चाऽपि न विश्वसेत् |
कदाचित् कुपितं मित्रं सर्वं गुह्मं प्रकाशयेट ||६||

Never ever trust your friends blindly telling all your secrets. You don`t ever know when your friend might by angry on you and reveals all your secrets in front of everyone.
मनसा चिन्तितं कार्यं वाचा नैव प्रकाशयेत् |
मन्त्रेण रक्षयेद् गूढं कार्ये चाऽपि नियोजयेत् ||७||

Never reveals your thought by saying to everyone. Think about your thoughts and slowly and gradually convert them into real deal.
कष्टं च खलु मूर्खत्वं कष्टं च खलु यौवनम् |
कष्टातूकष्टतरं चैव परगेहनिवासनम् ||८||

Being foolish and youth are definitely painful, but most painful and vicious is to live in someone else`s house.
शैले शैले न माणिक्यं मौक्तिकं न गजे गजे |
साधवो न हि सर्वत्र चन्दनं न वने वने ||९||

You won`t find precious stone on each mountain. You can`t find pearl on the head on all elephants. Saint person aren`t at all places and you can`t find sandalwood tree in all forest.
पुत्राश्च विविधैः शीलैर्नियोज्याः सततं बुधैः |
नीतिज्ञाः शीलसम्पन्ना भवन्ति कुलपूजिताः ||१०||
Saint father must always try to teach their children good enough. Because in future only those people will be respected who are intelligent enough to understand things.
माता शत्रु पिता बैरी येन बालो न पाठितः |
न शोभते सभामध्ये हंसमध्ये बको यथा ||११||
Parents who do not proper education to their child are the greatest enemy of their child. Whenever that child will be in the company of learned people he will be seeing with an eye of disrespect and will be looked down by group of people. His condition will be similar to that of heron in sitting between ganders.
लालनाद् बहवो दोषास्ताडनाद् बहवो गुणाः |
तस्मात्पुत्रम च शिष्यं च ताडयेन्न तु लालयेत् ||१२||
If we become show too much affection and love to our child or students, they generally get spoiled. In contrast if they are treated a bit rough they learn very fast and new good qualities are imbibed in them. So we should never show too much of love and always be a bit rude towards them.
श्लोकेन वा तदर्धेन पादेनैकाक्षरेण वा |
अबन्ध्यं दिवसं कुर्याद दानाध्ययन कर्मभिः ||१३||

People should at least learn one Sloka (Vedmantra) or half the sloka or one choupai or one world per day and should always have a tendency to give to people. By doing so he would make his day worth and not waste it in vain.
कान्तावियोग स्वजानापमानः ॠणस्य शेषं कुनृपस्य सेवा |
दरिद्रभावो विषमा सभा च वेनाग्निनैते प्रदहन्ति कायम् ||१४||

Living away with your wife, disrespect shown by relatives, under debt, working under sinful person, poorness, and company of foolish people burn your inner soul like fire burn your body.

नदीतीरे च ये वृक्षाः परगेहेषु कामिनी |
मन्त्रिहीनाश्च राजानः शीध्रं नश्यन्संशयम् ||१५||

Trees growing at the bank of river, ladies living or going to somebody else`s home, and king without minister are destroyed very soon, there is no doubt about that.
बलं विधा च विप्राणां राज्ञां सैन्यं बलं तथा |
बल वित्तं च वैश्यानां शुद्राणां परिचर्यिकम् ||१६||

Power of Brahmin is knowledge, power of king is strength, power of businessman is money and capital and power of shudras (lower class in caste system) is providing good service.
निर्धनं पुरुषं वेश्या प्रजा भग्नं नृपं त्यजेत |
खगा वीतफलं वृक्षं भुक्त्वा चाऽभ्यागता गृहम् ||१७||

Prostitute bankrupt person, people defeated king, bird fruitless trees, and guest after having dinner in the house leave.
गृहीत्वा दक्षिणां विप्रस्त्यजन्ति यजमानकम् |
प्राप्तविधा गुरूं शिष्या दग्धाऽरण्यं मृगास्तथा ||१८||

Brahmin after receiving their remuneration leaves, students after learning from teacher leave him and animals leave burnt forest.
दुराचारी च दुरदृष्टिर्दुराऽऽवासी च दुर्जनः |
यन्मैत्री क्रियते पुम्भिर्नरः शीध्रं विनश्यति ||१९||

A person should never be in the company of vicious and amoral person; people who have abode at bad places, and should never be friend of bad peoples. If so he will be corroded and destroyed soon.
समाने शोभते प्रीति राज्ञि सेवा च शोभते |
वाणिज्यं व्यवहारेषु दिव्या स्त्री शोभते गृहे ||२०||

Love among equal looks good, service of king is the best, business of money is the best and lady with good qualities make the home heaven.

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