Monday, April 6, 2009

Chapter 3

अध्याय ३
कस्य दोषः कुले नास्ति व्याधिना को पीड़ितः |
व्यसनं केन न प्राप्तं कस्य सौख्यं निरन्तरम् ||१||

Every dynasty has some or other defects in them. There is no person who hasn`t suffered any health problem or fallen ill. Pain and bad time alight on everyone in this world. And no one lives happy and satisfied all through his life.
आचारः कुलमाख्याति देशमाख्याति भाषणम् |
सम्भ्रमः स्नेहमाख्याति वपुराख्याति भोजनम् ||२||

Ethics of person shows his background, his state is presented by the way he talks. The way he respects other shows the love and soft corner of his heart. And his body built represents his eating habits.
सुकुले योजयेत्कन्यां पुत्रं विद्यासु योजयेत् |
व्यसने योजयेच्छत्रुं मित्रं धर्मे नियोजयेत् ||३||

Marry your daughter in better legacy, and make your son study. Never forget your enemy and involve him in some or other pain, sadness, etc and always involve your friends in good deeds.
दुर्जनस्य च सर्पस्य वरं सर्पो न दुर्जनः |
सर्पो दंशति कालेन दुर्जनस्तु पदे पदे ||४||

If we are to compare scallywag and snake, then we would find snake much better than scallywag. Reason being snake bites only when time comes but scallywag harms you all the time.
एतदर्थ कुलीनानां नृपाः कुर्वन्ति संग्रहम |
आदिमध्याऽवसानेषु न त्यजन्ति च ते नृपम् ||५||

King should always try to be in the company of learned people or people belonging to the best family. Because these people whatever may be the circumstances, progress or destruction or the worst possible trouble you can imagine, will never leave the king.
प्रलये भिन्नमर्यादा भवन्ति किल सागराः |
सागरा भेदमिच्छन्ति प्रलयेऽपि न साधवः ||६||

Sea forgets his propriety whenever there is boisterous. It no longer differentiates, and may either leave or destroy the shore. But great people of strong will never forget their propriety whatever the situation may be.
मूर्खस्तु परिहर्तव्यः प्रत्यक्षो द्विपदः पशुः |
भिनत्ति वाक्शल्येन अदृष्टः कण्टको यथा ||७||

Leave the company of foolish people because they are animals walking on two foot. There words are like invisible arrow piercing your body and causing pain.
रूपयौवनसम्पन्नाः विशालकुलसम्भवाः |
विद्याहीना न शोभन्ते निर्गन्धा इव किंशुकाः ||८||

Person born in great family extremely beautiful but illiterate is like odorless flower.
कोकिलानां स्वरो रूपं स्त्रीणां रूपं पतिव्रतम् |
विद्या रूपं कुरूपाणां क्षमा रूपं तपस्विनाम् ||९||

The beauty of Koyal is her voice; the beauty of ladies is her service to husband, beauty of ugly person is their learning and the beauty of hermit is their power to forgive others.
त्यजदेकं कुलस्याऽर्थे ग्रामस्याऽर्थे कुलं त्यजेत् |
ग्रामं जनपदस्याऽर्थे आत्माऽर्थे पृथिवीं त्यजेत् ||१०||

For the good of family one member of family can be forsaken. For the good of society a family can be repudiated. For the good of country a society can be forsaken and for the good of oneself, soul whole world can be abdicated.
उद्योगे नास्ति दारिद्रयं जपतो नास्ति पातकम् |
मौने च कलहो नास्ति नास्ति जागरिते भयम् ||११|

If you do business or work hard you will never be poor. If you charter Om you will never do any sinful act. Remaining quiet can avoid lot of trouble and fight and people who are awake are fearless.

अतिरूपेण वै सीता अतिगर्वेण रावणः |
अतिदानात् बलिर्बद्धो अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत् ||१२||

Sita was abducted because she was very beautiful. Too much pride was the reason of Ravana destruction. Habit of giving too much leads Bali to death bed. So excess of anything is bad.
को हि भारः समर्थानां किं दूरं व्यवसायिनाम् |
को विदेशः सविधानां कः परः प्रियवादिनाम् ||१३||

Nothing is troublesome for powerful men. No place is too far for business men. Learned and intelligent people are indifferent between foreign and their own country. And no one is enemy of sweet speaking guy.
एकेनाऽपि सुवृक्षेण पुष्पितेन सुगन्धिना |
वासितं तद्धनं सर्वं सुपुत्रेण कुलं तथा ||१४||

Like one flower of great fragrance increase the beauty of bunch of tress, similarly one son of great qualities can bring pride to the entire family.

एकेन शुष्कवृक्षेण दह्ममानेन वह्रिना |
दह्मते तद्धनं सर्वं कुपुत्रेण कुलं तथा ||१५||

Just like one dry tress is sufficient for the burning of entire forest similarly family having just one son who is foolish, rascal loose all their pride.
एकेनाऽपि सुपुत्रेण विद्यायुक्तेन साधुना |
आह्मदितं कुलं सर्वं यथा चन्द्रेण शर्वरी ||१६||

One member of family highly educated and intelligent brings happiness and glory to the family like moon when rises bring to the night.
किं जातैर्बहुभिः पुत्रैः शोकसन्तापकारकैः |
वरमेकः कुलाऽऽलम्बी यत्र विश्राम्यते कुलम् ||१७||

Armies of children who bring sadness and make your break your heart are of no use. Just one son who is intelligent and responsible is enough for keeping the name and glory of the family.
लालयेत पञ्च वर्षाणि ताडयेत् |
प्राप्ते तु षोडशे वर्षे पुत्रं मित्रवदाचरेत् ||१८||

Till five years of age children should be loved and cared as much as possible. From age of five till ten they should be kept under tight supervision and punished as and when required. After sixteen years of age you should become friend of your son and talk to him like that.
उपसर्गेऽन्यचक्रे च दुर्भिक्षे च भयावहे |
असाधुजनसम्पर्के यः पलायति स जीवति ||१९||

The one who run away from natural disaster, wars, calamities, attacking enemies, drought, and company of rascals and bad peoples will definitely survive.
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाणां यस्यैकोऽपि न विद्यते |
जन्म जन्मनि मत्र्येषु तस्यं केवलम् ||२०||

Dharma, money, sex, and Moksha if anyone who does not even have one of these masculine qualities is benefitted by the death only by taking birth as human being.
मूर्खा यत्र न पूज्यन्ते धान्यं यत्र सुसञ्चितम् |
दम्पत्येः कलहो नाऽस्ति तत्र श्रीः स्वयमागता ||२१||

Place where foolish people don’t lead, food products are produced in excessive quantities, where spouse don’t fight among themselves, there only money, glory, health, beauty, and pride lives permanently.

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